Find out more about the things that matter to us.

Commitment to humanity and nature
INDRA Recycling GmbH is aware of its responsibility towards humanity and nature. This is why we do everything possible day after day to fulfil the relevant obligations in every respect. Industrial metal recycling is a way of conserving natural resources and minimising the residues requiring disposal. We are in the business of closing loops and generating supplies of raw materials for industry, thereby making an important contribution to preserving our environment. We are consistent in complying with the legal health and safety requirements and meeting the relevant environmental standards.
Trust is good – regulation is better
It goes without saying that we abide by the relevant laws. This means that we adhere strictly to the Basel Convention, the regulations in force in the OECD countries, the directives enacted by the European Union, and the codes and conditions imposed by our national and regional authorities.
The experts who work at INDRA Recycling GmbH know exactly what procedures we have to follow in declaring, transporting and storing our secondary raw materials. This also applies to the fractions which are subject to mandatory disposal in our company. We are conscious of our obligations towards the environment, humankind and nature, which is why we regard disposal certificates and checks by environmental authorities or independent experts not as an inconvenience, but rather as an opportunity to demonstrate our professional stewardship and green credentials time and time again.
Official approval
We aim to deliver top-quality products and to offer tailor-made solutions.
The use of a quality management system and the continuous optimisation of our workflow are essential to us in striving to meet our aims.
We are proud of our certificates which show our sustained success in achieving our goals.